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Staff Reflections

W/C 1st March 2021 – Mark 9:2-10

Throughout Lent, we realise that going up the mountain had its tough moments for the apostles, but the view at the top was worthwhile: the glory of Jesus and the invitation of God. This is the same for us in our discipleship. Often the road of the academic year can be one with lots of bumps (particularly this year and last) but all can be made worthwhile when we try to look through the eyes of our students.

In addition, prayer can often feel like a long mountain walk! You wonder is it worth it, and you don’t always have the stamina. But if you give quality time to it, as you are doing now, it is always worthwhile. Jesus ‘took with him Peter, James and John' and he will take you too, if you are willing to climb. Try not to be irritable and edgy as you make your way upward with him. You may feel you have had no great spiritual experiences, but being with Jesus and listening to him brings its own reward at a deep inner level.



W/C 8th March - JOHN 2:13-25

In yesterday’s Gospel, Jesus was not satisfied with the respect the people were showing in the Temple. This was a sacred place where God in a particular way was present. All should be in touch with him there, reverencing him and talking to him. Commercial trading was unfitting in such a place. The Son of God made an effort to cleanse the area.

Jesus knew that he was the real temple of God – the Lord being fully present in him. He deserved greater attention than this sacred building. He was aware too that, if he were humanly killed, he would rise from the dead. The temple of his body was indestructible.

Those present did not really see through Jesus, but he knew the hearts of them all. He was aware of what was bright and dark in each. “For He Himself knew what was in everyone.”


W/C 15th March 2021 – JOHN 3:14-21

The ongoing Lenten theme of repentance is very relatable to yesterday’s Gospel. Gods intention is not to condemn, but God does not force us to be saved. We have been created with freedom of choice. That means that we can make bad choices as well as good. Looking back over the last 24 hours where have I chosen wisely and where unwisely? If you can think of a moment you have chosen unwisely recently, have you said sorry?

‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.’ Someone has said that if all the Scriptures had been lost except these eleven words, we would have enough to give us hope. God, I thank you for this statement of your love for us all.

Jesus is the light of the world. He enlightens everyone, often in mysterious ways which others cannot understand. An early Church writer says: ‘Sinners, deprived of the light, worship in the dark.’ This week, Lord, let me live in the light that streams from you.


W/C 22nd March 2021 - JOHN 12:20-33

‘Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.’ In my life, what needs to fall into the earth and die in order for me to bear much fruit? With Holy Week fast approaching, we remind ourselves that that without Good Friday there could be no Easter Sunday.

In every death, there is life - this is the big message of Lent and of Easter. The grain of wheat will die and will through death nourish us with food. In the death of relationships, of health, of faith and all that may be dear to us there is always the invitation to deeper life.


W/C 29th March 2021 - MARK 14:1 – 15:47

Palm Sunday begins the most important week of the Church’s year – we journey together towards the glory of the cross. Our celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is not the mere commemoration of a historical event but a mystery which we truly enter into. Through the mystery of the liturgy, the drama of Jesus’ Passion comes into our lives and we become participants in the drama of our salvation.

Loving God,

Give us joy in our hearts as we shout Hosanna, welcoming Jesus our King with palms, celebrating all that we hope for as the Easter Story unfolds.

Then, as the journey of Jesus turns towards Good Friday, help us to know that you are with us when celebration turns to sadness.

Give us the faith we need to follow you on the way to the cross, which leads to life.



Staff Reflections Spring Term  2 2021

Staff Reflections Spring Term 1 2020

Staff Reflections Autumn Term 2020